"Phra" is a word that shows the royal family.
数代前に第二王宮として栄え、LOPBURI ARTとして紹介されてる本家本元の重要な寺院遺跡です。
This is the record that I visited one of the heritages in Lopburi city. |
6723Wat Phra Sri Rattanamahathat LOP BURI市の鉄道駅の正面に在ります。
This site is in front of
railway station.
6722Wat Phra Sri Rattanamahathat 本殿後ろには高い塔や仏塔も見えます。
Main tower and some pagodas
are seen behind the main building.
6725Wat Phra Sri Rattanamahathat 本殿入口上には、仏塔のレリーフがあります。
On entrance of main building,
there is the rilievo of pagoda.
6726Wat Phra Sri Rattanamahathat 入口は他では見られ無い程高さがあります。
The height of the entrance
is too high.
6728Wat Phra Sri Rattanamahathat 本殿の中には壊れた神様が多数。入口にインド式のアーチが見られます。
There are some broken Buddhist
images in the main building.
The arch of the India
type is seen at the entrance in the other side.
6729Wat Phra Sri Rattanamahathat 塔には漆喰も残り飾りの模様も素晴らしい。
The sculpture of plaster
remains partially in the main tower.
And the pattern of decoration
is wonderful.
6730Wat Phra Sri Rattanamahathat スマートな塔は参拝者の目線にある基壇・柱基石部分も見事です。
The terrace and the pillar that exists in the line of vision of visitors
in the smart main tower is also splendid.
6732Wat Phra Sri Rattanamahathat LOPBURI様式として栄えた独特な芸術的デザインが見られます。
A peculiar, artistic
design that prospers as Lopburi style is seen.
6733Wat Phra Sri Rattanamahathat 背面(西側)を撮りました。
The back (west side)
was taken.
6734Wat Phra Sri Rattanamahathat テラスや基壇には独特の石積が見られ、往時は素晴らしかったでしょう。
Stones are piled up with
beautiful in the terrace and the base of the main tower.
It might have been wonderful
at that times.
6735Wat Phra Sri Rattanamahathat 北側には、崩壊したままの建物跡も残っています。
The collapsed building
remains on the north side, too.
6736Wat Phra Sri Rattanamahathat 塔の前室北面の入口上部には漆喰のレリーフが残っています。
The sculpture of plaster remains in the upper part of the north entrance
of front room of the main tower.
6731Wat Phra Sri Rattanamahathat 広い境内には幾つかの塔や仏塔が在ります。
There are some towers
and pagodas in big area.
6723Wat Phra Sri Rattanamahathat 上部がパイナップルのような形の塔は初めて見ました。
The upper part of this
tower has interesting shape like the pineapple.
6743onR311West 街を一歩出ると水田が広がり、豊かな穀倉地帯です。
There are a lot of rice fields around the city.
This region is a rich zone of the harvest.